Educational and social inclusion
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Bury, Greater Manchester, UK
Operating across the North West and Yorkshire

Fair Futures CIC is the Bury local lead for
Schools of Sanctuary
Schools of Sanctuary is a national network of over 400 primary and secondary schools, nurseries and sixth forms all committed to creating a culture of welcome and inclusion for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Driven by teachers, school staff, parents, governors and community groups, this network supports the thousands of young people seeking sanctuary in the UK, raises awareness of the issues facing people in the asylum system, challenges misconceptions and builds social cohesion.
Accredited Local Leads support schools every step of the way on their journey to their School of Sanctuary award.

We welcome and respect people from all backgrounds and place the highest value on diversity and are committed to equality.
We are committed to a culture of working collaboratively within the network and in partnership with others.
Those who support our vision, work together with people seeking sanctuary. We value and recognise the contribution of all involved. We aspire to ensure people seeking sanctuary are fully involved in decision-making processes and supported to become leaders within the City of Sanctuary organisation and network as well as the wider movement.

Inspiration: We work with enthusiasm and positivity and are determined to surpass what has already been achieved to welcome refugees and people seeking sanctuary. We act as a catalyst for change by being open to new and innovative ideas and through sharing knowledge gained with others and working in partnership.
Integrity: We aspire to high standards of honesty and behaviour, and always act in the interests of people seeking sanctuary. The values are outlined in the CoS Charter which was developed as the strategic framework for the work of the City of Sanctuary UK organisation and the networks we support.
The City of Sanctuary UK team are supported by a network of Local Leads; identified people within local City of Sanctuary groups, partner organisations and/or local authorities who take the lead on the programme. Local Leads are responsible for promoting Schools of Sanctuary within their local area, supporting interested schools through the process, managing appraisal panels and engaging with the Schools of Sanctuary Team. All the while, Local Leads support the Schools of Sanctuary network in their local area by upholding the City of Sanctuary UK vision of welcome and the City of Sanctuary UK values.
10 steps to becoming
a School of Sanctuary
What is a School of Sanctuary?
A School of Sanctuary is:
Is a place of welcome for all.
Educates about why people are forcibly displaced.
Recognises that the UK is enriched by new arrivals.
Supports pupils from all backgrounds to feel seen, supported and included.
Contact the local CoS group to express your interest in pursuing the award.
Read and review the resource pack and this website for ideas and inspiration.
Sign up to a pledge, committing the school to the CoS charter & values. Get leadership support for this .
Audit achievements to date to meet the award criteria. Map good things already being done and existing relationships with community/ support organisations.
Create a plan to fulfil or develop outstanding criteria. Link this to school development plan. How you will evidence your plan for the award assessment?
Ensure application process is documented and celebrated via social media and in the school community. Share with the school community, using traditional and social media outlets.
Submit an application to the local CoS group, partner organisation, Regional Coordinator or via CoS website.
Organise assessment visit/ phone interview with local CoS group to review application. Plan how you would like to best showcase the the school's work and include opportunities for assessors to discuss SoS with the leadership, pupils and teachers.
Once awarded, plan a celebration and highlight achievement on school website and social media. Link up with local groups and schools to celebrate Refugee Week. Use the award as a launch pad to further develop sanctuary work across the school
Maintain the criteria of the award in whole school planning and revisit the assessment template annually to update activities and ongoing planning. Plan for re-appraisal in three years.